A holistic approach to workforce training

Our unique approach combines skill trade development and industry-recognized credentials with wrap-around support services to ensure employment success.

A worker works inside a pipe on a pipeline construction

Welding Training

Our comprehensive skill development programs ensure participants are fully equipped to take the American Welding Society exams and earn welding certifications in several welding specializations. Participants will learn pipe and structural welding for application across multiple industries, preparing them for entry-level, mid-level, and advanced opportunities in fabrication, manufacturing, and construction trades.

Testing and Certification

AWA’s affiliate, AmeriArc Welding Academy, is an authorized testing facility for the American Welding Society’s welding exam, and to also issue AWS welding certifications. Therefore, our program trains and equips participants with the knowledge and skills to pass the American Welding Society (A.W.S.) Certified Welder Exam and to become A.W.S. Certified Welders.

Welder holding welding helmet

Support Services

Employment Training

A structured process that equips participants with the soft and industry skills essential for workplace success.

Placement Assistance

We develop relationships with potential employers in the industry and assist participants with job placement.

Ongoing Mentorship

Continued mentorship is provided to program participants to ensure job search success.

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